Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Two days in a row

I'm proud to say I ran the same loop again today. I really enjoy running, and it is good for me. I just might get in shape after all.

Meanwhile, I am heartbroken about the bombing in Manchester, England. When will the madness end?

Monday, May 22, 2017

Training for Falmouth

I just registered for the Falmouth Road Race on August 20, so I will have to do some running during this motorcycle odyssey. Today I can the 1.5-mile loop around my block in 17 minutes. I'm going to have to increase my speed and distance between now and then. I have about 12 weeks to go.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

The adventure resumes

I will be returning to the motorcycle odyssey June 20, 2017, repeating much of the 2016 trip. This time my buddy Steve will join me for the southbound portion of the trip, and then will continue on to Georgia while I head to the Wildacres Writers Conference. Today we roughed out plans for the trip, and confirmed our mutual preference for rural, uncongested roads.

I'm really looking forward to showing Steve some of my favorite places and discovering new treasures along the way. Between now and June 20, I'll be working with Google Maps to plan be best route, and we will also be open to changing plans as the conditions change.