Friday, July 21, 2017

"Rubber Side Down": a poem






rubber side down



roadkill offends

and of course

dead skunks

are the worst

olfactory offense

but even squirrels

chipmunks and raccoons

give off a scent of death

while in towns and cities

the excess exhaust

from overheated cars

reeks of poisons

like ozone and methane

then back to the country

where fresh cow manure

from the farms

is pungent

but not too bad

and the comforting scent

of new-mown hay

being rolled into stacks

is only exceeded by

the reassuring smell

of fresh-cut grass

and—for this coastal boy—

that first whiff of

salty air

from an onshore breeze

and an ocean fog

rolling home






James W. Kershner, July 2017



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