Thursday, June 30, 2016

Thursday, June 30: I love Maliprop's

Thursday, June 30, 2016: Made it to Maliprop’s.

I woke up Thursday morning to a chilly dawn on the mountain. I decided to have my protein shake and head down the mountain to Asheville, to make my pilgrimage to Maliprop’s Bookstore, the best bookstore and café in the entire world. I’ve been to Nirvana in Barnstable, and I have been to Shakespeare & Co in Paris, and Maliprop’s is better than both combined. They have readings by best-selling authors almost every day, and authors go out of their way to read at Maliprop’s. A big sign in the front window proclaims, “PEACE, LOVE, BOOKS.”
Black Jack in front of Maliprop's in Asheville.

They have a café that makes the best chai tea latte I have ever had—not to mention a variety of hot and cold drinks and pastries. Best of all, they have free wi-fi, and my computer connected with no problem, enabling me to post the last week of blog posts.

I love Maliprops!

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