Friday, July 8, 2016

Friday, July 8,2016: Finished MyBook

 Friday, July 8, 2016 Finished My Book
After meditation and breakfast, I went straight back to my writing desk in the Guest House, and finished what I set out to do. There wasn’t all that much writing. I had already finished writing the book four years ago, when I first came to Wildacres. Since then I had tried to rewrite it twice. This week, my goal was to assemble all the parts beck into a coherent format. I think I have done that. By lunchtime today I had completed one final read-through, and then I made a copy, saved it to my hard-drive and to a thumb drive memory stick, and I also emailed a copy to myself.

After lunch, I took a pleasant walk around the Mountaintop Trail with Katie and then returned to finish my homework for next week’s poetry class. We have to critique six poems from each of our nine classmates. I am having a lot of trouble figuring out what to say about one of my classmate’s poetry .Celisa’s poems are so beautiful, so perfect, so exquisite that I am reduced to writing banal comments like ”Wow!” Everyone’s work is good, but hers is so exceptional that I just feel inadequate to critique it.

I also took time to take a shower and do some laundry, which always makes me feel better. I wish a poem would come to me, but it ain’t happening!

After dinner, Will broke out his guitar and did a few songs. He is very talented and I enjoyed the music. It reminds me of days in the '60s, hanging out with folksingers.

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