Sunday, July 10, 2016

Saturday, July 9, 1016: Changeover Day

Saturday, July 9, 2016: Changeover Day:

Today was the end of the Wildacres Writers’ Retreat and the beginning of the Wildacres Writers Workshop. They ask that we vacate our rooms so that they can be cleaned. So I went to Little Switzerland, the quaint little village with the great bookstore and café. After I finished a great chai tea latte at Beans and Books, I saw that the cable connecting my cell phone to the battery on my motorcycle was not functioning properly. That’s not a problem while I am at Wildacres. I can just plug the phone in beside my bed. But I may be camping on the way home, so I rode the 10 to 12 miles into Wal-Mart to get a new charger cable. Returning to Wildacres, I had to endure the mile or so of rough gravel road. That short stretch has been the least favorite part of the trip for me. The road is so rutted that I feel I’m going to drop the bike at any minute.

After dinner, we had an orientation meeting with the new larger group. About 60 new writers and six instructors joined us, so there are now more than 100 of us for the workshop week. We also had a first, brief meeting of the classes. I am looking forward to the class. The first regular class is Sunday afternoon.

In the afternoon, I wrote a poem. It is a reaction to this week’s news, so I am sure it is a little raw. Still, I like it. I’ll see how I feel in the morning.

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